Labour Law Specialists

Your First Choice in Labour Law Specialists

Labour Law in South Africa influences both employer and employee, with constant changes and adaptations in this arena. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep up with current regulations to ensure that your business stays compliant. In many cases, employees are ill-informed on the Labour Law regulations, which allows their employers to take advantage of them. This can lead to unfair job loss, which is also very common in South Africa. Therefore, you need Labour Law specialists to assist you in legal disputes when you find yourself in such a situation.

Entering a legal dispute with an employer is very daunting, as the chances are good that you will lose your job as a result. However, with a labour law specialist as your legal representative, you can expect quality consulting and legal services throughout such a process. We offer our legal services on a “no win, no fee” basis to employees who earn more than R20 000 per month, contingent to our terms and conditions. Therefore, if your job is in jeopardy and you are too afraid to pursue any legal action because of potential job loss, you do not have to worry about any legal fees if you lose your dispute.

Jobs are scarce in South Africa, which leads to empowering the employers in South Africa to a point where they can get away with almost anything. Our legal solutions can be your answer to combat any unjust actions from your employer, especially through such unpredictable and trying times that we currently face. Forget about the financial implications of losing a legal dispute and stand up to fight for your rights with a specialist on your side.

Allardyce & Partners Attorneys is your first choice in legal services regarding Labour Law in South Africa. Our specialists can provide everything that you need as an employee or employer to ensure that you are on the right side of the law. Please browse our website for more info on how we can assist you, or contact us directly on 011 234 2125 or email us at today.

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