Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, such as arbitration and mediation, have long been envisaged as  viable alternatives to litigation for numerous reasons that include expediency and cost-efficiency. on the 1st of December 2014, Court Annexed Mediation was introduced and became effective in the country, making alternative dispute resolution mechanisms feasible, and in some instances compulsory, in South Africa.

The mediation process is recommended as the parties themselves determine their outcome as opposed to having one imposed on them by an arbitrator or an adjudicator, such as a judge.

Our Mediation and Arbitration Services Include:

  • Matters of Construction law, such as disputes with engineers and/or project managers, or the construction contracts;
  • Labour law..
  • Affiliations and accreditations:
  • Court-appointed Mediators : KGC Allardyce is an accredited mediator in terms of rule 86 (2) of court – annexed mediator rules. LAJ Allardyce is an accredited mediator in terms of rule 86 (2) of court – annexed mediator rules.
  • Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa) NPC: KGC Allardyce is a Fellow of the Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa) NPC

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